Breathing Techinques
We all breathe without thinking about it… although you’re now thinking about it aren’t you… and that’s because I’ve just made you think about breathing techniques and how you’re breathing…
We all breathe without thinking about it… although you’re now thinking about it aren’t you… and that’s because I’ve just made you think about breathing techniques and how you’re breathing…
Overwhelm can affect anybody at any point. You don’t have to be ‘stressy person’ to become overwhelmed but overwhelm is caused by stress and stressful situations.
I’m often asked, “What sort of therapy will work best for me?”. The honest answer is the therapy that you connect with… and this isn’t something for you to be worried about. We can figure out together pretty quickly.
Today I got on an aircraft for the first time in 3 years... and I had flying anxiety! I’ve flown a lot over my life and have always mostly enjoyed…
Do you struggling with taking a break? Maybe scheduling in breaks is the key for you! Being able to take a break is so important to our physical and mental…
I got a new laptop today… WHOOP! After the initial blip of ‘buyer’s remorse’ that tends to come with such a purchase (for me anyway), I unwrapped the wee beasty…
I see a New Year resolution as a task that I have to complete. For me, it’s a ridged line from which I cannot stray. This leads to the kinds of pressure and negative self-talk that I describe above. A goal is a destination… and a destination needs a journey… I LOVE a journey!