I appreciate that you may be anxious about coming for your first face to face therapy appointment. That’s why I’ve attempted to make finding the clinic as easy as possible for you.
The address is:
Wood Street (Off Market Street)
For your first visit I recommend giving yourself enough time to find the clinic and to park. Reducing the anxiety of your journey is a great way of starting your session. If you do arrive having had a bad journey, we will work to get you settled. There’s no rush. We have plenty of time together.
Below is the location for your face-to-face therapy. I also work online all over the UK and in some foreign countries.
If you need help finding me or any more information, you can contact me by clicking here.
Below is an image of the road, building and entrance location as well as a map of the location.
If you need any information that is not on this page to help you with your journey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Above is the road you’re looking for whilst standing on Market Street.

This is the street name.

Make your way down the alley at the back of The Italian Loft

The gate into Talking Steps Therapy is this one on the left hand side. There will be a light and a sign on the gate.
If you struggle to find me, call me on 07729 552618 and I’ll pop out to find you.
If you have any questions, please get in touch using the form below.